Global Alliance for Rabies Control Drawing attention to a forgotten disease.

01 Hero Global Alliance Rabies Control


  • Research & strategy

  • Branding

  • Messaging & Copy

  • User Experience

  • Web Design

  • Campaign & Digital Advertising

While rabies has been effectively controlled in most parts of the Americas and Europe, it still kills a startling 59,000 people each year. The Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) aimed to reintroduce this essentially forgotten disease to the developed world.

We helped GARC bring rabies to the forefront with the campaign “End Rabies Now.”

  • 30% conversion rate

  • 3,000+ content engagements

End Rabies Now Desktop

We used stark facts, vivid colors, and candid photography to grab international attention and pique interest. Our work has already captured the attention of global ambassadors who are adding their voices - a conversation that will only grow in the years to come.

03 Identity Global Alliance Rabies Control

Section 1.18 new partner organizations (and counting)

Our strategy needed to speak to a bifurcated audience. The End Rabies Now campaign challenges the assumptions of the general public while engaging potential partner organizations with research tools, fact sheets, and social assets. We armed GARC with print and digital collateral to spread the word, and created a suite of downloadable resources for supporters so they, too, could champion the cause.

End Rabies Now solution
End Rabies Now supporters

Section 2.Creating empathy through thoughtful representation

The Western world is flooded with imagery that exploits the poor, and audiences have learned to tune it out. It was important to us and GARC that the campaign visuals showcased authentic, positive relationships between humans and their canine companions. We sourced candid street photography from rabies-endemic regions and localized the campaign with traditional patterns native to those regions.

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Section 3.10,000+ individual pledges, 30% conversion rate

Through comprehensive event tracking, we’re able to see more than just page loads. Site visitors have interacted with our tools, downloaded resources, and shared social content over 3,000 times. And not only that - more than 10,000 individuals have actively pledged to End Rabies Now.

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