American Folk Art Museum Folk art gets a modern update.

01 Folk Art Museum Website Hero Image2


  • Research & strategy

  • User Experience

  • Web Design

  • Development


  • Site Inspire ShowcaseCSS Design Awards NomineeCommunication Arts Webpick of the Week

Seeking to expand engagement both on- and offline, this venerable institution reached out for a full website re-imagination. Our team helped identify key business goals and chart a clear path to clarifying its communication, reaching a younger demographic, increasing event awareness and attendance, and inviting exploration of its many offerings.

From collections and exhibitions to education and events, we produced a dynamic, cohesive, and scalable experience across screens.

02 Home Folk Art Museum Website Homepage

Section 1.One website, two disparate audiences.

By transforming the website into a discovery engine, we captured two very different audiences – the museum-going public and the academic researchers. A blend of concise text, relevant information, intelligent content associations, and boldly visual storytelling streamlined the user experience to emphasize emotional connection and organic exploration.

03A Folk Art Museum Website Desktop Screen Left
03B Folk Art Museum Website Desktop Screen Right

Section 2.Every exhibition on any screen.

Nearly 30% of web browsing occurs on smartphones and desktop parity is on the horizon. We delivered key content via dynamic modules that adapt to device context, ensuring accessibility and brand consistency for all audiences. Whether on phone, tablet, or desktop, the site keeps visitors oriented and presents both art and information beautifully.

04 Folk Art Museum Website Mobile Left
05 Folk Art Museum Website Mobile Center
06 Folk Art Museum Website Mobile Right

Section 3.Satisfied curiosity means lower bounce rates.

Following a thorough content audit and data analysis, our team identified essential content, organized the landing page to invite exploration, and mapped intuitive navigation pathways for visitors. The new site welcomes visitors, facilitates scholarship, and introduces kids to interactive events, helping the museum celebrate the art of the self-taught.

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