The McNulty Foundation supports and inspires leaders to address the world’s toughest challenges. Brooklyn Digital Foundry worked with the nonprofit to launch an immersive new website that better tells its story through engaging content. The engagement spanned content strategy, responsive design and front and back-end development.
McNulty Foundation Highlighting leaders who make a difference.

Section 1.Looking beyond The Prize.
The McNulty Foundation is well known for its McNulty Prize - a $100,000 grant awarded to people who galvanize efforts to address the foremost social, economic and environmental challenges of our time. However, the organization had grown, and its new site needed to tell a more holistic brand story - one that stretched beyond The Prize. When Brooklyn Digital Foundry tested user behavior, we found critical navigational and usability challenges, which was impeding McNulty’s high-quality content.

Letting video take the lead.
Our strategy was tell less and show more. We wanted the individuals impacted by McNulty's work to help usher new visitors deeper into the site. This meant not only featuring the narratives of the groups benefiting from the efforts, but also the behind-the-scenes members, jurors and constituents who make the Foundation possible. Central to this strategy was an immersive use of video. We showcased the Foundation’s stunning footage, both as playable content and as environmental texture, to bring life to its work. The new site forms a launching pad for the Foundation to better promote the values, history, and legacy of the McNulty family.