Architecture & Real Estate


Since 1999, we’ve supported visionary designers, showcased iconic buildings, and marketed signature developments. We’ve boosted awareness, raised capital, attracted buyers, and built consensus – all by balancing our industry expertise with a genuine interest in understanding the unique character of each story we tell.

Our studio came up in architecture, and we’ve gone on to support over a billion dollars of real estate sales. We pair that experience with what we’ve learned working with brands like Netflix, Samsung, and Gucci to create memorable work. Whether you’re looking to win a competition or excite people about your new development, the work we do together will get results.

Photo of Brian Lemond
Brian Lemond Managing Partner


Our Brooklyn-based team brings it to life.

We combine technical acumen with a cinematic point of view to produce distinctive imagery and video. We’ve launched corporate campuses and university expansions. We’ve captured the evolution of cities and the perfect lighting for a new home. When you’re ready for genuine collaboration and flawless execution, so are we.

Collection of Visual rendered landscapes -gardens, rooftops, public spaces
Team views VR preview of client's Visual rendering

Our clients are shaping the future of the world. Across video, still imagery, and virtual environments, our job is to capture that vision – to create the scenes that make it real, long before it exists.

Photo of John Szot
John Szot Director of Visualization

Identity development

Every brand needs a foundation that goes beyond the logo.

We craft visual and verbal identities precisely tuned to what makes each firm, brokerage, project, or property unique. By centering our work on your core values and key differentiation, we’re able to speak directly to your desired audiences. With a brand that spans the many channels of modern communication, we ensure your full team speaks with a consistent, compelling voice.

The Hall brand identity - logo, folder, website
8050 development branding - ocean and beach landscape
115 Van Ness San Francisco branding


Your story is the beacon that attracts your audience.

We shape narratives, then translate those ideas into content to make you shine. Whether buyers and tenants, clients and new team members, or civic leaders and policymakers, each audience needs to know what makes your offering different. Getting this right is the key to success.

NYU 13 flares
185 plymouth brand development

Digital platforms & campaigns

A powerful brand with great content needs to be seen.

We develop concepts, create websites and apps, and produce the marketing and communications assets that drive engagement. Our teams blend inspired creativity with high performance across all platforms, media, and channels.

collection of Alloy's visual renderings and website page
Pnotos of skilled labors working to build One57 in New York City.
Prosper campaign - Instagram post and tote bags reading 'Your New Commute'